Initiation to reading and writing
Solène Bourque
When it comes to learning, children are little sponges! They absorb absolutely everything we teach them, so it's the ideal time to initiate them to reading and writing.
When it comes to learning, children are little sponges! They absorb absolutely everything we teach them, so it's the ideal time to initiate them to reading and writing.
Family Coach
While most children adapt well to their childcare, others react strongly and live each day as an ordeal. Here are some tips.
Many parents wonder about the relevance of taking a nap at daycare. Here is some information that should convince you of its merits.
How can you help your children deal effectively with stressful situations? Here is what I consider to be helpful tools.
Musician, teacher and lecturer
Whether you are a child or an adult, learning to play a musical instrument requires an investment of energy, time, discipline and money. Once you decide to go forward, which instrument should you choose?
Interior designer
We all know that children learn through play. Here's how you can create the perfect space to play, learn and grow.
Stress is a response of the body that is useful for survival. If an optimal stress level is necessary, what should we do when we exceed this level?
Interior designer
Back-to-school is at our doors and it is best to make the homework part of our family evening enjoyable and effective.
Clinical sexologist, psychotherapist, doula
Should everyone experience parenthood in the exact same way? Are men and women different in the way they experience it? Absolutely!
Ostéopath, B.Sc.
In the field of paediatrics, the term “flat head syndrome” is used to define an asymmetry of the newborn’s skull. That’s what we call plagiocephaly.
Clinical sexologist, psychotherapist, doula
When you hear the word “fight”, what do you think of? Usually, nothing too happy comes to mind. What if I told you that fighting can be useful?
Regional Vice-President of Adecco
Being fired is a tough part of your professional life. And no one is safe. Here is a little guide to deal with the transition.
Lecturer on mother’s well-being
You knew that having a baby would be life changing. You understood and accepted the fact that your sex life would slow down, but it’s been quiet for months and years now...
Family Law Lawyer - Shared Custody Specialist
Shared custody is an increasingly popular arrangement for separating families. It has the advantage of allowing the child to benefit from maximum contact with their parents, in their interest.
Despite all the joy, happiness and exaltation related to their first baby, new parents will have to adapt very fast to many changes.