Just like punishments, rewards are given to control children. The difference only lies in the fact that one is more positive than the other. We want the child to continue behaving well so we buy it in some way.
It is getting to be that time of year – fun and festive but also “go go go” as you try to get your projects at work done before year end, host family meals and festivities, go shopping and toast to the year behind and the year ahead at parties, parties, parties!
A good mother is sympathetic, gentle and always patient. She never gets angry, always has time for her children and sacrifices her own happiness for her family’s benefit... Really?
Recently, the press published the results of a recent study that established a link between increased aggressiveness in children and the use of corporal punishment by parents.
You can feel beautiful and attractive no matter what size you are. When you’re a plus-size, it’s all a question of cuts, fabrics and proportions! Here’s a little advice from Nadine Joannette.
Selecting a nanny or a babysitter to whom you will entrust your children and your home is definitely an important decision that you should not take lightly.
Love is at the heart of our experience as mothers and it is present at many levels. These loves are lived differently for each one of us and they influence our experience.
They start off by eating everything with their little hands. But eventually, they will be able to manipulate utensils like a big kid! Here are some pointers on the proper timing to start introducing forks and spoons.
Many people have a little heartburn now and then, but if it happens often and is paired with regurgitation, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).