Clearly, maternity clothes are worn for a specific period of time and later, stored in the closet or donated to charity. That said, it is important to establish a game plan to maximize your monetary investment allocated to your maternity wardrobe, focusing on fashion and comfort, without neglecting the quality.
One surefire trick that will certainly save you money is to avoid impulse buying. You must plan and create a list of items that you need to procure first and later, create a second list for items you may need during the second half of your pregnancy.
(These lists are solely examples and may differ from one mom to another)
1st list
Ideally, opt for basic items that are easy to match with everything:
- Stretchy maternity jeans
- Black maternity leggings
- Stretchy maternity pants (fabrics according to the season)
- An interlock skirt with elastic waist and/or a casual A-line dress
- Colourful or printed t-shirts that will brighten up your style
- A pair of comfortable, good quality everyday shoes (plan to size-up to prevent swelling of the feet) - avoid heels
- Bra offering good support
When should I start shopping for maternity clothes?
As soon as you can no longer zip up your pants, do not hesitate to opt for the comfort of maternity pants that can be matched with your favorite blouse during the first months of your pregnancy.
2nd list
Once the basic items are purchased, you can purchase more fashionable maternity items that will enhance your wardrobe and morale, and add a bit of spice to your life!
- Make sure you choose colours that will coordinate very well with each other to maximize each item.
- A beautiful printed dress
- Dress pants with a flared cut
- A tailored vest
- A stretchy denim jacket
- A beautiful cardigan or sweater
Opt for the quality of the clothes rather than the quantity. The more often you wear a garment, the better your investment. It also means lots of cleaning and repeated washing. So the quality is not to be neglected in order to maintain the appearance of the clothing until the very end of your pregnancy.
Also, to feel good about yourself in your maternity clothes, I advise you to keep your own style in mind when shopping.
This tactic will be more useful in the first months of your pregnancy to mix and match part of your existing wardrobe (which still fits you) with your new maternity clothes. As a result, these two tips will encourage you to keep your maternity clothes for a future pregnancy, which will double your investment.