
Countdown to Halloween!


You must also fill in with goodies. Do you prefer to give bags or handfuls? Why don’t you prepare bags for toddlers and handfuls for older kids? Remember to only offer wrapped goods and forget about fruits and homemade items. Even if you have the best intentions, other parents cannot trust unpackaged products.

Halloween meal

If you have enough time, prepare a meal for Halloween. Rat-tail soup, toad tongues in warts sauce, bloody ice cream for dessert! You get the point. Once again, many websites and magazines specializing in food can give you fun ideas. It is amusing and children will love this “gross” menu, as they say.

In short, enjoy this celebration to take time with your family and have fun!

Safety first!

Here are a few tips to make this Halloween safe for your little ones!

  • Makeup can easily replace a mask and gives better vision.
  • Short clothes will prevent toddlers from tripping.
  • Do not allow your children to run! An accident can happen so fast!
  • Do not zigzag in the street. Do one side, and then the other.
  • Never leave your children alone.
  • Visible costumes and a flashlight are highly recommended.

Don’t forget to check your child’s candies. Throw away unpackaged foods and all things suspicious.

Image de Sonia Cosentino

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