
Halloween safety tips

On Halloween night, streets are filled with enthusiastic and excited children who want to collect as much candy as possible. You have to think about security (even more than usual this year) because they certainly won’t!

Even if we think we know everything about Halloween safety, it is always good to remember these few tips. After all, it is a night of great excitement during which you can easily forget about safety. Take a few minutes with your children to review the safe way to go from house to house and to make the evening as fun as possible all while remaining cautious. With the Covid-19 global pandemic, make sure to remind them about the sanitary precautions and distancing measures they need to respect.

  • Choose make-up instead of a mask so that your child can see where he or she is going. The driveways are not always cleared, stairs are not always lit and there are many distractions. Seeing well is an absolute necessity.
  • Choose a costume that does not drag on the floor to prevent falls, or tripping, especially when climbing up and down the stairs.
  • Add fluorescent strips to their costume so they can be visible to drivers. Even the most vigilant drivers can be distracted by all the decorations and costumes. 
Candy harvest
  • Ideally, you should accompany your children in their quest and never leave them unattended. If your older children want to go faster, make sure that an adult is with that express group and agree on a meeting point where you can check in every few minutes!
  • Tell your children never to enter an unknown house. Adults must come out of the house; children should not enter, even if the occupants seem nice and they have cool candy.
  • Ask children to remain in a group and to never walk away, even if that group is not moving fast enough.
  • Tell them to go on one side of the street at a time, to look both ways before crossing the street and to follow the traffic lights. Ideally, they should cross the street only in designated areas, like stops or crosswalks, accompanied by an adult.
  • Even if they are tempted to eat candies on the way, remind them to wait until they get home so that an adult can make sure that everything is safe.
  • In several municipalities, firefighters and police officers roam the street and provide security. Do not hesitate to talk to them if you encounter problems and tell your children to talk to them if they are lost or worried.
Image de Sonia Cosentino

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