Second baby survival guide
You’re pregnant again? Congratulations! Here are a few simple tricks to help you in your daily life.
Find information on today’s family: daily, family finances, important events of the years, health and separations. Each section has sub-sections to facilitate your search. If you do not find what you are looking for, use the search engine!
You’re pregnant again? Congratulations! Here are a few simple tricks to help you in your daily life.
From an early age, children can do little chores and simple tasks. All that is needed is a little encouragement and understanding of their capabilities.
We must learn to let go and realize that sometimes, we are about to suffer from fatigue and even depression. Moms and moms to be, you must react!
We could all sing it together: becoming a parent really changes the world! How? In many ways… see for yourself!
It’s never too late to reduce your weekly ecological footprint! Here are 10 basic actions to gradually introduce into your routine to become a more ecological family.
Do you dream of a harmonious relationship with your family or your in-laws but your situation is just the opposite? We explore difficult family relationships and how they affect us.
How do you see your lover? Is he the man of your dreams or the future father of your children? Does the former include the latter? Definitively not for every woman!
You love him. He loves you. The story could have been as simple as that but he has children. All of a sudden, your couple becomes a family. Are you ready?
It’s time to leave your child with a new babysitter - but what is a fair rate these days?
Unknown father, absent father, anonymous father: what are the emotional and legal consequences when the father does not appear on the birth certificate?
Quiet moments like holidays and school breaks are special times to enjoy family life and have fun with the kids.
Experiencing a "shared custody" at Christmas is not easy, both in terms of emotions and organization. Here are ways to survive this very emotional period.
Summertime is here... The sun stays up longer, we work a bit less and we enjoy prolonged weekends... Hurray for the holidays! Here are a few suggestions of activities for the whole family.
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!