Pregnancy tracker

Tips and advices - 7th week

You may experience sudden food aversions and cravings. Most of these reactions will disappear early in the second trimester. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to give in to these specific tastes that sometimes go against a healthy diet. You can make it a rule to satisfy the cravings that are healthy choices and try to resist those that are less healthy for your body. Look for alternatives to these less nutritious foods. For example, frozen yogurt is a great alternative to ice cream. As far as food aversions are concerned, make sure they don’t deprive your body of the all the essential nutrients that allow the body to function properly and are necessary to the development of the foetus.

Did you know...

During the second month of pregnancy, your blood volume will increase and reach up to 6 litres? Consequently, you will notice that your heart beats 10 to 15 extra beats per minute. You may also feel slightly out of breath because you have more oxygen in your blood.