Pregnancy tracker

Tips and advices - 11th week

It is important to eat foods that are rich in nutrients that are useful to the development of your baby's tissues and the reconstruction of your own reserves. For example, a glass of milk will better meet your calcium needs than chocolate milk, because chocolate contains oxalate, a compound that can inhibit the absorption of calcium. If your pregnancy is progressing normally, having sex is not advised against. During the first trimester, fatigue, nausea and vomiting could lower your sex drive.

Mammary congestion could prevent you from enjoying breast stimulation. Furthermore, the discomforts of the first trimester decrease as your pregnancy progresses, and some women will even have an increased libido. Vascular congestion in the pelvic area may even allow a more intense sexual satisfaction than before pregnancy. In the third trimester, discomforts and limited mobility will bring some women to reduce their sexual activity.

Unless you have problems such as infection, risks of premature delivery or membrane rupture, there is no reason to prohibit sexual intercourse.

Did you know…

A newborn has 300 bones at birth, while an adult only has 206! Some bones merge as we grow. Amazing!