
Beauty 101: a clean face!

Dry skin
  • You must nourish your skin. Ideally, use a beauty milk or cream for cleansing.
  • Choose only alcohol- and soap-free cleansers, which would only make your skin dryer.
  • Hydrate your skin with a rich day cream.
Pimple alert!
  • First of all, don’t touch it... even if it’s tempting.
  • You can treat your pimple with a local acne treatment. Beware; use these products with parsimony because they dry your skin.
Redness alert!
  • If you tend to have on and off redness on your face, you probably have very sensitive skin.
  • Conceal redness with a concealer.
  • In the future, remember to choose alcohol and perfume free products.
The mask of pregnancy
  • Approximately 70% of pregnant women are affected by this mask of pregnancy, also called “chloasma”. The freckle-like spots usually appear between the 4th and 5th months of pregnancy.
  • Brunettes are more vulnerable to chloasma. Some women taking oral contraceptives containing oestrogen and progesterone are also prone to developing these brown patches.
  • We call this the “pregnancy” mask because the brown or grey discolorations appear on the face of pregnant women (mostly on the forehead, cheeks, nose and around the mouth).
  • A hormonal upheaval - the increase in female hormone levels - increases the synthesis of melanin and causes hyperpigmentation as a result of sun exposure.
  • Make sure to apply sunscreen (with a high SPF) year-round during all your outdoor activities. You can also find moisturizers with an SPF.
Cleansing wipes

What we love!
We love their hygienic aspect: no unnecessary handling, so there’s even less contact between your hands and the products! And on top of it, you just throw it out when you’re done!

Some wipes are also textured, creating a light massage when cleansing your face.

You can easily carry cleansing wipes in your handbag or leave a few at work. There are small packets that are no larger than a miniature packet of tissues.

Beware! If you wipe your lips with it, you might get an unpleasant taste afterwards if you drink or lick your lips. Rinse your lips thoroughly after cleansing or simple avoid going over your lips with the wipes. Some formulas are more aggressive than others and could leave you with a slight tingling feeling.


What we love!
For a deep cleanse, nothing beats a gentle exfoliant. The grainytexture removes impurities that are lodged deeper into the skin.

Use only a few times a week to reduce the chances of irritating your skin. Choose a product for sensitive skin; you don’t want to peel your skin off, you simply want to cleanse it!

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