
Professional photography advice to take good pictures of your child

Do not count

Do not count the number of pictures you will take. The saying “practice makes perfect” is true for your favorite professional photographer and it is also true for you! It is normal to miss hundreds of photos before taking many good ones. Take many pictures and be your own judge.

Take a lot of pictures of your children. I have a lot of photographs from my own childhood and I can tell you that it is the best legacy you can give them: the memory of wonderful moments spent with you.

Isabelle Paille

Isabelle was surrounded by creativity for most of her childhood. Her father was a photographer and her mother an artist. For Isabelle, beauty stems from pleasure, complicity, imperfection, a mischievous moment, a look that forgot about the camera… She believes that anyone can enjoy photography and improve their technique with a few tips. Isabelle writes a blog featuring photographs and their story. She also exhibits her most beautiful pictures by theme. You can reach her at 514-776-7888 or info@isabellepaille.com.

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