
10 reasons to use a natural contraceptive method

8 - It is good for your health

Your feminine cycle reflects your general health. By observing daily, it is possible to detect several health problems, to diagnose abnormalities or hormonal problems and to find some factors that may cause an irregular cycle. For example, overly low body temperature; long cycles, non-fertile mucus and prolonged anovulatory cycles may be signs of hypothyroidism. A short luteal phase (post-ovulatory) can cause early miscarriage.

9 - It is economical

Unlike any other contraceptive method, using and observing the feminine cycle is free. A small initial investment is necessary to attend vocational education by Serena with a personalized follow-up and the purchase of a basal thermometer in a pharmacy. In addition, graphic tablets only cost $5 and last a year.

10 - It is convenient

Finally, analyzing graphs allows you to:

  • Determine the period of ovulation
  • Identify periods of natural fertility
  • Predict the beginning of your menstruations
  • Discover irregularities in your cycle
  • Detect possible causes of infertility
  • Observe the return of your ovulatory cycles after using hormonal contraceptives, after birth and while breastfeeding.
  • Confirm an early pregnancy
  • Recognize early symptoms of menopause

Now, think it through. By choosing a natural method, you win 10 times. If you want to benefit from all these advantages, swap your pills and condoms for a brand new thermometer.

By Myriam Bonfils


Seréna Québec has refined the Symptothermal Method, a science-based fertility awareness method which empowers (ourselves, not an algorithm) to precisely identify the infertile phase and the fertile phase of each cycle, with 3 signs to observe and interpret in correlation: basal body temperature, cervical fluid and cervix. Users will adapt their sexual practices according to their objective (contraception or trying to conceive) during the fertile window. Recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services and supervised by consulting physicians and scientists, Seréna Québec’s team and certified volunteers provide these services: Information service Teaching-sessions and follow-ups Conferences Training for professionals In these 5 fields of intervention : menstrual cycle’s health natural birth control natural conception return of fertility after birth perimenopause Adress : 6646 Saint-Denis, Montréal, Québec, H2S 2R9 Web site, Facebook page, DirectionCommunicationCoordination  

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