
Being friends with other parents

What if I have no friends?

The mom of a third grader recently told us: “I see a lot of moms who have a common babysitter; they go out together and seem to get along. Some even go on trips together even if they only met last year. But no one ever calls me, It’s almost as if everyone stopped talking when I tried to mingle by the school door when we dropped off our kids. I hope my daughter won’t suffer from this.”

Obviously, a stay-at-home mom who has a great relationship with the father of her children needs a lot less help than single moms who share rides, and call each other in case of emergency. It’s not because they reject you, it’s because you are doing fine on your own. If you really want to make friends at your child’s school, ask other moms to go out. However, keep in mind that you don’t have to push this in order to make your child happy. Children get along on their own, and will soon manage their own friendships.

What if I don’t want any friends?

Your child could also be friend with these women’s children. Because of that, you will be invited to sports events, movie nights and birthdays. Although you accept their invitations now and again, you may not want to change your busy social schedule.

If you don’t want to change your ways, if you think that your circle of friends is perfect as it is or if you are introverted, don’t be afraid to look awkward or weird. Explain the situation. You have a lot to do already just because you’re a mom, and you are who you are. No one will ever resent you for it.

Image de Anne Costisella

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