
5 attitudes to find balance in your life

If you made it a habit to constantly postpone tasks and activities, you may be making your life more complicated than it should be!

Rediscover the joy of living!
  • Lower your expectations. Is it really necessary for your children to get the latest fashion trends and for all your children to play the violin, speak Spanish and be good hockey players?
  • Refuse to do anything extra; especially things that don’t make you smile!
  • Focus on the positive.
Do what you like or like what you do
  • Sing in your car instead of complaining about the traffic, there is nothing you can do about it anyway!
  • Make sure that your lifestyle choices are making you happy! It is good to live a happy life!
  • Focus on what is going well in your life. It will make negative things seem less important.
  • In a bad mood? Hug someone you love or make him a compliment, your good mood will come back instantly and it will make someone else happy!
  • Take time to stop.
More efficient and better for your mood

Taking some time to have breakfast with your kids or sitting down with them will ensure their cooperation. As a result, the 10 minutes you usually spend repeating will be transformed into a relaxing moment.

Appreciate what is around you and appreciate yourself!

Thank life for what it is giving you
  • Pair a treat with every chore that is annoying you. For example, watch television while you fold your clothes;
  • Compliment and treat yourself by taking care of yourself.
  • Live in line with your values and congratulate yourself for applying what you believe in every day.
  • Cultivate friendship; thank those who help you out.
  • Learn to be fulfilled. Would you rather be dissatisfied all the time or happy no matter what? It’s all a matter of attitude!
  • Assign tasks!
Surround yourself to free your mind
  • Forget about being perfect. You chose to work and raise a family.
  • At work and at home, identify your tasks and be clear about your expectations towards your family.
  • Let go of the results by lowering your expectations.

This is all very nice on paper but actions speak louder than words! ’The role of a coach is to guide you in action and help you focus on what really matters. Here are a few tips to help you get moving and achieve life balance.

Every morning, in a notebook or in your agenda, write five things that would make you happy during the day. If you don’t feel well, later on, read those lines and get going. Hugging your child puts your priorities in perspective. It is like creating a book of happiness day by day. This coach request is magical; it requires no effort and makes you feel better right away!
Express gratitude for everything you have in your life.

In the evening, when you go to bed, instead of thinking about the problems or what you will have to do the next day, think about five things that made you happy today. You will realize that it’s little things that are making all the difference. You could also write them down in your happiness journal.

To balance family and work, it is essential to break bad habits. The good habits will replace the bad and everyone will feel better about it. I wish you a fantastic journey to a balanced life!

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