
10 gift ideas for a teacher


I asked four teachers to give me an idea of what they prefer and they all agreed: wine is a good gift! It can be kept for a long time, is of good taste and, even for teachers who do not drink, it is always useful to have a bottle at home for our guests. Around $20, Château Picoron, Saint-Émilion, Beringer rosé, Kim Crawford (white), Ménage à trois and many wines found in the specialty section of your liquor store are excellent gifts.

Bookstore gift-card

In general, teachers like books. In fact, they like reading enough to share their passion with your children. Because it is hard to know what they already have and what they like to read, don’t hesitate to buy a gift-card from a bookstore near you.

DeSerres gift-card

A gift-card from DeSerres is always appropriate for a teacher who will buy stationery, booklets, scrapbooking accessories, cake decorating accessories, frames, beads, etc.

Fun stickers

Your child spent a year with his teacher and might ask you to choose the gift himself. If so, let him choose fun stickers that will be used next year with other students. You child will be glad to know that his teacher will remember him next year and the teacher will have one thing less to think about when everyone will come back to school.

Teapot and tea

If there is a David’s Tea boutique or a gourmet store near you, buy a few types of tea or jasmine flowers and a cute teapot.

Gourmet store

Gourmet stores are filled with gifts! Simon Turcotte’s jams, olive oil, maple products, exotic salts, cheeses and spices are all great gifts. Everyone likes to receive products that we could not afford to buy every day.

Bubble bath

To relax after a full year of taking care of twenty children, a bubble bath is perfect. My favourites? Divine Pear from Dand un jardin and Sephora’s French Vanilla Bean shampoo, shower gel and bubble bath.

Gardening kit

An apron to hold the tools, a small shovel, seeds, gloves… Rona, Canadian Tire and tree nurseries sell beautiful tools for a teacher who has the whole summer before him…


Classic! Chocolate is always delicious so don’t hesitate to offer fancy chocolates, truffles and imported candies to your favorite teacher.

Bigger gifts

If you know the other parents, you can all join in and offer a more expensive gift together. A dinner at a great restaurant, a massage, a spa treatment or a bottle of champagne will surely make your child’s teacher happy.

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