
The gift registry

The benefits

In addition to eliminating the possibility of duplication at a special event, those wedding, shower and birth lists assure you to receive what you really need and want. Your family and friends will appreciate the peace of mind provided by this certitude of buying something that makes you happy.

Procedure and rules

Many department stores, toyshops and baby boutiques offer the possibility to create a birth list or a wedding list.

The process is simple as most of them offer a step-by-step online subscription. Afterwards, the list will be available online for anyone to consult.

The stores do not impose a price range for the chosen items or a limit regarding the number of gifts that can be suggested on the list so you can suggest as many as you want to allow everyone to choose according to their budget and their relationship with you.

Those who buy a gift will not be entitled to a price reduction. They will pay the regular price in effect at the time of purchase, except of course if the item is discounted in store. However, couples that own a list at Sears will receive a coupon book that will give them 10% to 15% discounts if they buy by themselves one or many gifts that are on their list. Other stores offer similar discounts to the people who have created the list. Read the conditions and see below.

When should you create your list?

Couples who plan to marry usually make their list at least three months before the wedding. Shop owners suggest creating the birth list at least two months before the expected birth date.

Services offered

If desired, some stores can send the list to your friends and family. At Sears, you can order invitation cards to tell your guests and friends that your list is ready. It is best to consult the store’s website to see if this service is available.

Some stores also offer a gift-wrap and shipping service. Sears offers a shipping service, at home or at a Sears Dealer Store, for those who buy from the catalogue or online. At Toys R Us, this service is available only during the holiday season. Again, you may consult the websites before choosing your store.

A few tips
  • It is better to submit your list in only one store;
  • Choose items in a wide range of prices to allow everyone to find a gift that fits their budget;
  • Submit your list at least six months before the wedding date;
  • Do not attach your gift list to the invitations, your guests could find it rude.
In what stores can we make lists?


  • Wedding and birth lists
  • Create a list online
  • Once you made your list, order your invitation cards to notify your family that you made a gift list at Sears
  • 10 à 15 % discount for the creators of the list

Toys R Us

  • Baby Registry (birth list) and Birthday Wish List
  • Create a list online
  • The list can remain active up to one year after birth.


  • Gift registry: wedding, birthday, anniversary, gift exchange
  • You must go in store to create your list
  • 10 % discount on items remaining on your list after the celebration.

Mountain Equipment Co-op

  • You must be a MEC member to create a list
  • Create your list while you are shopping on MEC. Just click Add to Wish List when you see a product that you like.
  • You can add or delete items, change quantities or change your preferences at any time.

Linen Chest

  • Wedding and Gift registry
  • You must set up an appointment with a bridal registry consultant to create your list
  • 10 % cash back and 10 % discount on all purchases for a year upon registry completion.

The Bay

  • Gift registry, wedding, birth, anniversary
  • Register online

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