
Dangers of pregnancy

Common health problems...

Do you have a bad cold?
Don’t worry; a common cold has no incidence on your baby except if it causes very high fever in early pregnancy, which could result in a miscarriage. If you have a high fever, your doctor will prescribe a medicine to reduce it safely for you and your baby. Medications found in pharmacies often contain caffeine and antihistamines, two products to avoid during pregnancy. Use a nasal saline solution to decongest your nose and consult your doctor if your symptoms persist.

Did you catch gastroenteritis?
Your baby did not! However, you must remain hydrated and eat a little bit or you will have a hard time getting better and that is when you could become dehydrated and cause severe vomiting. Pedialyte is the best product to rehydrate. If the vomiting persists, consult your doctor as soon as possible. Don’t forget to check your temperature.

At the pharmacy…

  • It is recommended to avoid aspirin and ibuprofen (unless your doctor prescribes it). You can still use a small amount of Tylenol. (Unless you have medical contraindication)
  • Most antihistamines are not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Some antibiotics should be avoided because they cause complications in early pregnancy. Check with your doctor if necessary. If you go to a clinic without an appointment, do not forget to share your pregnancy with the doctor!
  • Eating fibers and drinking plenty of water should relieve constipation. If you need a laxative, consult your doctor.
  • Most antacids are safe and effective for treating indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy. If you take iron supplements, take it separately because antacids reduce assimilation. Ask your pharmacist to chose the right product.
  • Water retention should not be fought with diuretics without medical advice.
Your environment

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection that can be present in the feces of infected animals. The cat is the animal that is most often infected. It appears that nearly 80% of the population would have already caught it without even noticing, because of the very mild symptoms. Most women are immunized and the fetus as well. However, in case of first infection during pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage or the risk for your baby to suffer from mental retardation or blindness is high. It is therefore advisable to let someone else clean the litter box. Wash your hands after petting a cat and avoid touching a stray cat. If you like gardening, it is important to wear gloves, as several neighborhood cats may have been using your flowerbeds for their natural needs! Toxoplasmosis can also be transmitted by raw or undercooked meat.

Do you have painting to do?
Water-based paint is a much better idea than oil paint for a house where a pregnant woman lives. Oil paint fumes contain chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled in large quantities. If you need to use oil paint, have your work done by someone else! In addition, I advise you not to be in the house during the painting, or if you have no other choice, ventilate the house (open the windows). There is no real danger if you use water paint unless you need to climb up a ladder... which I certainly would not advise!

What about pylons?
Some women are worried because of a big pylon near their house that emits waves. “Could these waves harm my child?” they wonder. It is an excellent question! Unfortunately, no studies confirm whether or not such installations can harm babies. Doctors do not seem overly worried either. The only thing that we know is that a study carried out in the veterinary field has shown that cows living on lands where there is a pylon are more prone to miscarriages than cows living in a pasture without installation. Do waves affect our fertility and pregnancies? It is a question that several researchers are trying to solve.

This week
Ear infections, antibiotics, and prevention

Becoming a parent also means being acquainted with several small infections encountered during our own childhood. Ear infections are numerous and can leave you having lots of questions. We try to respond to the most frequent ones.

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My child is smelly!

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