
Hysterectomy: The big operation

After the operation

Women who underwent abdominal hysterectomy will usually take six to eight weeks to fully recover from the surgery while women who have had a vaginal hysterectomy will recover slightly faster. If you experience pain, your doctor may decide to prescribe some painkillers to help you manage it.

During the recovery period, it’s important to follow your doctor’s advice and to respect your rhythm. Listen to your body and gradually increase your activity level after the first two weeks of rest. Wait for the bleeding, abdominal pain and pressure to cease before resuming your regular activities.


If you are about to undergo a hysterectomy or have already had the operation, know that it’s totally normal for you to feel at a loss and for your emotions to run high, especially if you wanted to get pregnant and the surgery puts an end to that dream or if the image you had of yourself as a woman is tarnished. Rely on your family during the difficult times and if that is not enough, contact a healthcare professional or join a support group to help you go through the daily emotions. Remember that the woman you became is not defined by her organs but by your experiences, personality and hopes for the future. These qualities are yours and are still within you!

Sources: Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, Canadian Women’s Health Network, Public Health and Social Services of the Mauricie region and Central Quebec.

Image de Mariem Melainine

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