
Do toys have a gender?

In that sense, I can understand that some parents can be uncomfortable to buy their son a pink doll in store displays that were definitely designed to attract little girls. We must simply respect our own values and limitations. There are more and more dolls dressed in more "neutral" colours that will help your little guy play with his toy without being ridiculed by his friends, neighbours or extended family.

The important thing is to be able to feel good about our child’s choice and not feel the need to justify it. It can be a great challenge for many of us who have been raised with very traditional values! If we’re able to reach this openness as parents, and even as a society, our children won’t doubt that it is in fact the best Christmas present ever!

You don’t want to invest in a lot of toys without knowing your child’s real interests? It’s normal! Borrow toys from your local library, observe your child when he’s playing with his friends, ask his daycare educator about his interests. Last year, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that my daughter loved to play hockey with the boys from her class as she is not particularly good in sports. I provided us with a fun new game to play together.

Solène Bourque

Solène Bourque is a mother of two; Ariane and Thomas. She is a psychoeducator and a certified instructor in infant massages. She worked for many years in community programs with children aged 0 to 5 years old and she now teaches Special Education in the Cégep du Vieux-Montréal. She co-wrote ‘100 trucs pour les parents des tout-petits’, published in 2010 with the Éditions de Montagne. Become a fan of her facebook page.

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