Acupuncture after a miscarriage
“In Chinese gynaecology, it is said that miscarriages are worse than childbirth”. 2 In addition to an important blood loss, women suffer serious emotional and mental shocks. This loss brings a lot of sadness and is too often underestimated. It suddenly unbalances the body.
Acupuncture rebalances the body and mind by toning the blood, Kidney and Spleen and soothing the Liver. These treatments help women recover faster after a miscarriage and prepare the body for a new pregnancy.
Normally, a few treatments are enough to restore the balance and women will see many benefits:
- Increased energy
- Better sleep
- Good digestion
- Decreased anxiety, restlessness and stress
Acupuncture in preconception
Women who experienced one or several miscarriages should consult acupuncturists for a few treatments in preconception.
During your first appointment with an acupuncturist, he will ask you a few questions regarding the reason for your visit but also regarding you general health and history. He will figure your energy balance and will be able to find imbalances.
Preconception treatments aim to invigorate the body to stimulate fertility and prepare the body to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.
Acupuncture in early pregnancy
Unique miscarriages are different than repeated miscarriages (more than three). Luckily, it is not because you had a miscarriage that you will have another next time.
Acupuncture in early pregnancy is very effective to reduce the risks of miscarriage. Therefore, treatments are highly recommended for women who experienced more than one. Indeed, toning the Kidneys and Spleen, we can avoid several miscarriages that are the result of an emptiness in the body.
We usually recommend one treatment per week until the end of the first trimester (12 weeks). In addition to making your body stronger, the acupuncturist can treat other little discomforts such as:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fatigue
- Anguish, anxiety stress
- Insomnia
- Constipation
At the same time, you will enjoy a beneficial and well-deserved rest.
1 Statistics Canada, 2007
2 Maciocia, Giovanni, Gynécologie et obstétrique en Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise, p.79