Your groggy teenager whines and drags his feet more than usual. He complains about a sore throat. You suspected mononucleosis and the doctor just confirmed that you were right.
Your groggy teenager whines and drags his feet more than usual. He complains about a sore throat. You suspected mononucleosis and the doctor just confirmed that you were right.
The name "5th disease" derives from its historical classification as the fifth of the classical childhood skin rashes, after measles, scarlet fever, rubella and Duke's disease.
In Canada, the flu season normally extends from November to April, and can affect 10 to 25% of the population every year.
Whooping cough is the most frequently reported vaccine-preventable disease in Canada.
Scarlet fever is different from other early childhood diseases because it is not caused by a virus, but rather by a bacteria, the group A streptococcus.
Roseola, also known as « the sixth disease » is relatively harmless. 90% of adults have already had Roseola.
The hand, foot and mouth (HFM) disease mainly affects young children during the warm summer and early fall months. Here’s how to recognize it.