Family life

10 mommy blogs to discover

Crazy Working Mom

This full-time working mom of three girls offers a glimpse into her crazy life on her blog Crazy Working Mom: Diary of a mother on the brink of snapping! Look for the hilarious posts about her « mommy strike »!

The Pioneer Woman

The Pioneer Woman is in my favorites, and I regularly visit her blog to salivate at her amazing recipes accompanied by beautiful pictures. She also offers her thoughts on family life and entertainment, gives wonderful ideas for the home and garden and extensive information for parents who are thinking about or have chosen home schooling.

The Mommy Blog

The Mommy Blog is a well-written, active and funny blog that has been online since 2002, thanks to Mindy Roberts. That’s where she talks about motherhood, divorce, gossip and products. Take a look! You will find 600 pages of pure entertainment and an awesome video section!

Nest of Posies

If you are in need of inspiration, visit the blog Nest of Posies where you’ll find a great selection of family-friendly recipes, crafts for the entire family, home projects ideas and more!

The Crafty Crow

The blog The Crafty Crow offers an impressive collection of craft ideas for children of all ages and for every occasion. The projects are inspired by nature, make use of mostly recyclable materials and are divided into extensive category list where you will find more than 1000 activity ideas for you to enjoy with your children.

Single Mom Survives

If you are a single mom, you are going to love the hilarious take on single parenting of the blog Single Mom Survives, written by a single mom of a little girl who claims to be under medicated, over caffeinated and totally awesome. We agree!


Are you constantly looking for new ways to save money now that you have a family? The blog Bargainista is the baby of a Toronto based mom who is always on the hunt for bargains and who shares them with us to help us save money!

Farewell Stranger

If you are familiar with postpartum depression, you will be touched by the inspirational blog Farewell stranger where a mother shares her experience with postpartum depression after the birth of her son and how she learned to cope and get comfortable in her new role as a mom.

My Organized Chaos

If you have twins, head on over to My Organized Chaos to read the fun adventures of this Canadian mother of twins plus. She also helps moms find the best discounts, gives reviews on the latest family-friendly products on the market and shares her favorite recipes.

Caffeinated Autism Mom

You have a special-needs child? This stay at home mom of two boys with autism, sensory issues and multiple food allergies shares her daily musings with a lot of humor on her blog Caffeinated Autism Mom.

This week
Ear infections, antibiotics, and prevention

Becoming a parent also means being acquainted with several small infections encountered during our own childhood. Ear infections are numerous and can leave you having lots of questions. We try to respond to the most frequent ones.

My child is often absentminded!

Do you find yourself often repeating phrases like "Hello? Is anyone there?" ? If so, it seems that your child is often absentminded. Here's how to help your distracted children stay concentrated.

A teenager’s bedroom

Your teenager's bedroom is a disaster. You even invented new words to describe this horrendous place where food and clothes seem to blend into a new kind of carpet but your child doesn't seem to mind. What can you do?

My child is smelly!

Your child is now 6 years old. The innocence of childhood still shines brightly in his or her eyes but… they're smelly! When your child gets hot, you scrunch your nose and smell a tinge of sweat. Are they too young for deodorant?