
Meal ideas for busy weeks

Mac & Cheese

Mac & Cheese is a kids' favorite and it's a really versatile dish! Make a good recipe on the weekend and serve it as a side dish or as a main by adding a few simple ingredients like meat and vegetables. Here are some simple recipes to help you reinvent your favorite mac & cheese recipe :

Slow cooker

If you don't have a slow cooker or it's just collecting dust in your pantry, we encourage you to give it a try! You can simply toss in easy ingredients in the morning and serve a nice home-cooked meal in the evening without having to spend a minute by the stove! There are many books in bookstores and different website that offer original slow cooker recipes to inspire you :


Pancakes for dinner? And why not! They are quick and easy to make, and quite delicious! Use your favorite thin pancakes recipe and choose vegetables, meats or cheeses to fill them up to make a hearty meal! Here are some ideas of toppings you can use and adapt to your tastes :

  • Ham, brie, apple and aragula (for the sweet tooth, add some maple syrup!)
  • Seafood, spinach and béchamel sauce
  • Chicken, various mushrooms, roasted tomato and cream sauce
Kraft Casseroles

Kraft Canada offers a variety of casserole recipes that use meat, chicken, seafood and even vegetarian options that you can modify according to your preferences and prepare during the weekend for easy reheating during the week!


Another versatile option that is very popular with kids: sandwich dinners! Forget the classic tuna, eggs, chicken or ham and innovate by creating original club sandwiches, subs or even Paninis. The idea is to take whatever you have in your fridge to create a unique masterpiece!


Another versatile option that is very popular with kids: sandwich dinners! Forget the classic tuna, eggs, chicken or ham and innovate by creating original club sandwiches, subs or even Paninis. The idea is to take whatever you have in your fridge to create a unique masterpiece!


Meatloaf can be prepared on weekends and reheated during the week but can also be made the day of because it's easy to prepare and cook. To change from the traditional meatloaf recipes, try adding some cheese and spinach and to serve it with a hard-boiled egg béchamel sauce or try mixing in some cheese before topping with your favorite sticky-sweet barbecue sauce!

Portuguese fried chicken

A recipe suggested by a member on our forums, Portuguese fried chicken is surprisingly simple to make! As it is fried in olive oil and without a coating, it offers a healthy option to the traditional fried chicken. Just take the chicken pieces of your choice (bone-in and with skin) and cook in a skillet over medium-high heat in olive oil with a cover. Delicious served with a dip!

Fleury Michon prepared meals

Because we don't always have the time to whip up something great, sometimes we have to resort to prepared meals. French leaders in the field of fresh and chilled prepared meals, Fleury Michon prepared meals are now available in Quebec supermarkets like IGA, Metro, Provigo, Loblaws, Maxi and Super C. These dishes offer a tasty option for homemade and they a practical and delicious.

This week
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