
12 tips to make breastfeeding easier


  • Give the breast to your child as soon as possible, ideally in the first 60 minutes.
  • Keep your baby next to you, day and night. You can breastfeed in the side-lying position if you want.
  • Rest assured that your milk is perfectly appropriate for your newborn: it is nourishing, rich and will make him put on weight. It’s a wonderful gift for his health.
  • Breastfeed your child on demand, whenever he is hungry. Frequent feedings stimulate the production of milk.
  • Learn to recognize the signs of hunger of your child. He will have his own personal way of letting you know that he is hungry.
  • Make sure that your baby breathes well, that he takes the breast the right way, that he is sucking effectively and that he is getting all the milk that he needs.
  • To avoid ruining the lactation don’t skip feedings and don’t give him a pacifier or another milk before he is 4 weeks old.
  • If possible, wait until your baby is 6 months old before giving him another milk and solid foods. He will enjoy all the benefits of his mother’s milk even more.
  • Forget your worries! As soon as a worry or a discomfort shows up, contact a nurse at the clinic, a breastfeeding support group in your area or a breastfeeding clinic.
  • Slow down. Breastfeeding a child also means taking the rhythm of a new life. Forget about the other tasks and focus on what is most important.
  • Think about yourself. Give yourself moments of calm and peace to compensate for the interrupted nights.
  • Trust yourself! The success of your breastfeeding experience depends on the level of faith you have in yourself.

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