
Breastfeeding and its impact on sexuality

Breasts are considered an important part of a woman’s femininity and play an crucial role in women’s sex life. However, mothers can start having ambiguous feelings toward their breasts when they start looking different and producing milk, allowing them to get in touch with their animal side. Allowing a baby to latch on to this erogenous zone can sometimes give mothers the impression that they are committing a somewhat incestuous act. In that case, it is important for mothers to learn how to separate the nourishing breasts from the sexual breasts. For some, breasts will be robbed of all sexual significance, while others will alternate between the two or learn to combine both realities harmoniously.

Furthermore, mothers are constantly solicited by their baby. When the partner comes home with cuddles and caresses, many women only have one thing in mind: please let me breathe! After hours of breastfeeding (not always without difficulty), many women need  some space and are not particularly available for their partner.

Many mothers go through a period of adaptation where they must accept these changes and redefine themselves as women and lovers.

What about men?

How do men react in all of this? There are as many types of reactions as there are men. Reactions can vary from feeling uncomfortable or disgusted, to feeling excited and joyful.

Some men find their lovers to be absolutely gorgeous while breastfeeding. Others are troubled by the sight of breasts becoming a source of nourishment for the baby. Some men can even be jealous because they are under the impression that they have lost their place. Others can have difficulty seeing their partner as a lover, now that she is a mother, as if the two roles were mutually exclusive.

During sexual intercourse, some men are aroused by the sight of full, round breasts, and even the milk released from them. Many men, however, are uncomfortable. They’re afraid that they will hurt their lover, or they feel somewhat shy when it comes to kissing or licking the breasts.

As a result, men also have to adapt to the situation and find their own comfort zone in order to maintain a satisfying sex life.


Seréna Québec has refined the Symptothermal Method, a science-based fertility awareness method which empowers (ourselves, not an algorithm) to precisely identify the infertile phase and the fertile phase of each cycle, with 3 signs to observe and interpret in correlation: basal body temperature, cervical fluid and cervix. Users will adapt their sexual practices according to their objective (contraception or trying to conceive) during the fertile window. Recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services and supervised by consulting physicians and scientists, Seréna Québec’s team and certified volunteers provide these services: Information service Teaching-sessions and follow-ups Conferences Training for professionals In these 5 fields of intervention : menstrual cycle’s health natural birth control natural conception return of fertility after birth perimenopause Adress : 6646 Saint-Denis, Montréal, Québec, H2S 2R9 Web site, Facebook page, DirectionCommunicationCoordination  

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