Pregnancy tracker

What you are experiencing - 7th mois

The seventh month is known for its drop in energy. You feel like you’ve been pregnant for ages and the last remaining weeks are terribly long. Your uterus, which has taken more and more space, is practically under your chest, which can at times cause shortness of breath. This pressure caused by the placenta’s weight could even create hemorrhoids problems.

Stay active, do some walking and “Aquacise” for pregnant women. Exercise is vital, and it will help you channel your energy while keeping you busy until your baby’s arrival.

As much as possible, try to maintain the same lifestyle you had before you got pregnant. If you were very active and practiced a sport every day, keep this habit while making sure you don’t have any medical contraindication.

You can now prepare baby's arrival by decorating his room and making a birth list. Start preparing for childbirth by doing breathing exercises, visualizing and relaxing. If you want to take prenatal classes, now is the time to think about it. offers you a wealth of information and advice to help you prepare for your baby’s arrival. Even if we’re always there to accompany and guide you, animated groups are more appropriate to technically visualize childbirth.

You'll learn breathing techniques and get practical tips on things to do and exercises that will facilitate your baby’s birth. These classes or information sessions are a good supplement in preparation of the big day.