
Insomnia and naturopathy

Natural products and insomnia

Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Skullcap is an excellent nerve tonic, reduces pain and calms spasms. It is most useful when stress causes poor concentration, memory loss, insomnia and hypertension. Skullcap does not stimulate or tire, it soothes.

Drink 2-3 cups a day to fully feel its calming effect. Infuse for 15 minutes or use the dye of the aerial parts of the flower, occasionally or for long periods of time.

Chamomile tea has interesting sedative effects. Use it in the evening.

Calcium has a calming effect, it can be combined with magnesium, a muscle relaxant, to better absorb calcium and maintain a good balance between these minerals. Formulas that contain both can be found on the market and taken in the evening. Try 1500-2000 mg calcium and 1000 mg of magnesium daily.

Some nutritional deficiencies, such as iron or copper can cause insomnia.

If you want to make a full naturopathic assessment, please consult a licensed naturopath.

For a safe bet: try the B complex

Formerly called the stress vitamins, B complex vitamins help nourish the nervous system and the adrenal system. B vitamins are at the heart of our energy production, they act as cofactors (activators) in various body mechanisms. For example, you need vitamin B6 to convert the tryptophan amino acid into serotonin. Very few people are not feeling better when taking a vitamin of the B complex. But all vitamins of the B group are not equivalent. Do not hesitate to meet with a licensed naturopathic doctor who will advise you. Note that taking the contraceptive pill over a long period leads to vitamin B deficiencies.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is a precursor of serotonin; it helps to stay asleep at night as well as having a continuous quality sleep. Attention should not be combined with antidepressants.

Balance your hormones

Women are more prone to suffer from insomnia because of their hormonal variations. Hormonal imbalances during perimenopause could affect the health of the brain, nervous system and, thereby, sleep. Oestrogen affects the balance of the brain and causes frequent awakenings. Do not hesitate to consult a licensed naturopathic doctor to achieve balance.

Insomnia is a condition that can result from various imbalances; it is the job of a licensed naturopath to find the culprits of the imbalances and to correct them with natural products. Never tolerate poor sleep quality and solve your problem as soon as possible.

Dominique Abran

Dominique Abran is member of the Association Des Naturopathes Agrées De Quebec (ANAQ) and is pleased to share her experience as a naturopath (and mother) to help you maintain and restore your health through natural means. Naturopathy offers a holistic approach based on numerous resources allowing you to regain balance and work towards a better life. In addition, it helps you have a smoother pregnancy, during which you receive personalized support. Follow-ups include a complete health check and detailed management of your nutritional needs through advanced laboratory testing. A prevention plan also minimizes the risk of experiencing discomfort during pregnancy. This monitoring is offered in three meetings as part of a package that includes a hair-tissue mineral analysis. For more information, visit her website at Dominique Abran, accredited naturopathic doctor Clinique Santé du Quartier 1133 St-Joseph Est Montréal H2J 1L5  

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