
Afraid to give birth

During pregnancy, we experience all kinds of fears, big and small. It is essential to manage this pressure for your own health and that of your coming child.

It turns out that a pregnant woman can suffer from a stress that is important enough to cause many complications ranging from hypertension and depression to miscarriage. Stress also causes a decrease in the immune system efficiency, resulting in various infections. Furthermore, we often eat more and more junk to release that stress. This means that we are eating fat and sweet foods (the ones that make us feel a bit better!). Some studies go even further, showing that stressed parents are more likely to have asthmatic children!

What should we do then to lower our level of mental strain? Many methods exist and can help, when combined with a healthy lifestyle, to fight this sudden rise of cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones).

There are many relaxation methods, like yoga, gentle yet regular cardiovascular activity, getting some fresh air as often as possible, taking breaks.

However, nothing beats a therapeutic massage!

Massage has already shown its worth in fighting stress.

Indeed, massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for automatic body functions like breathing, digestion and tissue repair. Meanwhile, the body releases new hormones that counteract with stress agents.

In addition, massage promotes immediate and deep relaxation, both physical and psychological, so you have at least one hour of proper relaxation. The effect is prolonged in the following days, helping you sleep more restfully.

It is very important for the future mom to fill in with energy before giving birth, when she will need all of her strength.

So ladies, don’t panic! Stress is normal because of that unique event awaiting you.

Learn to recognize the signs of excessive stress: insomnia, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite and irrational fears.

Remember to discuss this with your partner and to involve him because comfort and communication are your best weapon.

And give yourself time, ladies…

Request an accredited massage therapist specialized in pregnant women who will personalize his technique.

For any further information, contact us and we will gladly answer all of your questions. 

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