
Quebec Parental Insurance Plan

What is the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan? How does it work and how much will I get? Here's an interesting overview of what the QPIP program is.

Government level

Provincial (Emploi et solidarité sociale)


Financial contributions vary depending on the income, up to a maximum amount of insurable income of $62,000. In 2009, all wage earners were subjugated to a 0.484% rate and all self-employed workers to 0.860%, and employers to 0.677%. For example, wage earners who made $40,000 per year had to contribute about $193.00 annually.

Revenue Quebec manages these contributions and publishes a Chart with examples of contributions to the QPIP.


Wage earners can make a benefit demand on their last day of work or on the day their pay check is reduced by 40%.

Self-employed workers can make a benefit demand starting from the day they have reduced their work load by 40%.

Don't take too long to fill out a benefit demand when your remuneration stops, otherwise you could loose weeks in benefits. The date at which you place your demand is crucial. You cannot make a benefit demand in advance.

For whom

To be eligible for the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan, you need to meet the following criteria below:

  • Be the parent of a child born or adopted on or after January 1st 2006. Be living in Quebec since the beginning of the benefits;
  • Have stopped working or had a 40% reduced pay check;
  • Have a guaranteed income (income calculated for the prestation benefit) of at least $2,000 during the 52 weeks reference period, and this, no matter how many hours worked.
  • Must have paid a contribution to the QPIP.

You can make your demand online by using the QPIP’s online services or by calling Customer service at 1 888 610-7727.

How much

You can get an idea of the amount of your benefits by using the SimulRQAP.


Basic Rates: 18 weeks of benefits at 70%.

Particular Rates: 15 weeks of benefits at 75%. The maternity benefits are only for the mother and cannot be shared between parents.


Basic Rates: 5 weeks of benefits at 70%.

Particular Rates: 3 weeks of benefits at 75%.


Basic Rates: 32 weeks of benefits: the first 7 weeks at 70% and the following 25 weeks at 55%.

Particular Rates: 25 weeks of benefits at 75%

The total amount of parental benefit weeks may be taken by one parent or the other, or split between both, according to an established arrangement between both individuals. Furthermore, these weeks may be taken concurrently by the parents.

The earliest the parental benefits may start is the week the child or the children are born.

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