Family life

Skills list 2010

Added value

Of course, this set of criteria may seem like a tall order for one person, and they will obviously not all be required for the same position. Employers are lucid enough to avoid looking for 25 key skills in one person. It’s up to you to determine which skills to put forward in your field. It’s up to you to find a balance between your technical and interpersonal skills. And it’s also up to you to determine whether additional training or a few sessions with a professional coach can help you revitalize your career.

Nevertheless, regardless of the job category, some interpersonal skills are increasingly popular: openness to change, team spirit and ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment. In fact, this is all related: teamwork confronts us to change and different ideas, so we must keep an open mind to reach a consensus.

Overall, employers are changing at the same time as the labor market. Their recruitment requirements are therefore oriented towards candidates who demonstrate great interpersonal skills.  It goes without saying that a person with a willingness to change and learn will always be popular with employers.

In collaboration with Annie Boutet.

Tracy-Ann Lugg
Regional Vice-President of Adecco

Mother of four children, Tracy is making  a gradual return to work (4 days a week) since her last maternity leave. She has been Regional Vice President at Adecco since 2004. She manages more than 100 HR professionals and 1,400 essentially temporary employees throughout Quebec. Tracy is sensitive to employee needs and new realities of the job market. Balancing work and personal life is part of her daily concerns for her employees. Adecco, 514-845-4255.

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