
Forcing your partner to have a baby

Why is he not ready?

There may be several reasons why your spouse is a little reluctant to have a child. Is your relationship going well right now? Does he feel established professionally or is he feeling lost? Is he generally fearful of changes in his daily life, social habit or in the relationship?

Sometimes, he may even have some fears or wounds stemming from his childhood that would prevent him from feeling ready to become a father, because every time he imagines himself as a bad father or husband. But what can you do to identify what is making him uncomfortable and to help him feel better equipped and prepared without putting too much pressure?

Honesty and respect

It’s a bit cliché, but the only thing you can really do to understand him better is to have an honest discussion, where you talk about your expectations and take the time to listen to his concerns with respect. That does not mean he will be immediately convinced, but it might help you understand his journey better, and reassure you that he does want a child with you, but that he just needs a little more time to get his thoughts in order and really feel ready to embark on this adventure with you!

Image de Mariem Melainine

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