Ministère de la Famille
The Ministère de la Famille offers a childcare establishment locator by administrative region and by CLSC territory. All you have to do is indicate the kind of place you are looking for ( a reduced contribution place, a place for a toddler, a place in a child care centre or in a family setting). The search engine then lists the areas that offer a daycare, but doesn't show if they have room or not. A listing then offers contact information and even a map.
The registration desk on the centralized waiting list (BILA) for daycares has been created to regroup all remaining places. Not all regions are listed yet, but this site will be your best bet to find a subsidized spot in Quebec.
Daycare Bear was launched September 1st 2005. This website is a meeting point for daycare services (daycare centers, childcare centers and babysitters) and parents from Quebec. By offering detailed and up-to-date information on public and private daycare center spaces, this site makes it easier for parents who want to find a daycare service quickly.The amount of registered daycare services depends directly on the amount of available spaces since it only lists those daycare services. By entering your search criteria (service type, location), you get a very detailed list of available places, contact information, services offered, daily rates and a personalized description of the place.
J’me fais une place en garderie
J’me fais une place en garderie is a resource that supports daycare services for children with a motor disability in Montreal. Since 1994, the small team of 4 caregivers encourages parents and daycare services to take control of the child's inclusion process. They also offer their help in the process of finding an adapted daycare service.
L’Association des garderies privées du Québec
It simply offers a list of contact information for all daycare centers that are members of this association.
Of course, by using search engines such as Google and Yahoo!, you can be more specific in your search , but be ready to spenda few hours looking!
If you know other interesting websites to find daycare services, let us know.
Some important questions to choose wisely
In general
- When is the service open?
- Are there any late fees?
- What is the educator's schedule, 4 days/5 days?
- How are children arrivals and departures handled?
- What is the child/educator ratio for the age group you need?
- Will a child be refused if he is sick, and under what circumstances?
- On what holidays is the daycare service closed?
- Must parents pay on holidays?
- Do parents have vacation days without fees?
- How many places are there?
- What must you provide the child with?
- What can the child bring for his naps?
- What is the nap schedule?
- Must parents be involved? Must they do volunteer work? How often?
- Is there a parents' committee?
- How many times per week do the kids go outside, depending on the season?
- Have the educators been there for a long time or is there a frequent employee turnover?