
Top 5 wishes for your arrival

I know I’ll be far from perfect and probably exhausted, but I can already picture our days together.

  1. Did you know my sweet baby that when you’ll be born our hugs will actually help stabilize your heart? Skin-to skin, which is holding you, clad only in a diaper, against our bare chest, during the hours, days and weeks after your birth has many benefits like improve your sleep. So you’ll sleep. A lot. At the same time as me. I’ll rock you to sleep every night, kiss your forehead and gently put you in your crib. You won’t fuss; not even a bit.
  2. You’ll cry just when you’re hungry or have a full diaper at which point, holding you in my arms will automatically soothe you. That will only happen 2 to three times a day also, right?
  3. We’ll play and interact with each other all day long. I’ll keep up with the household chores with you snuggled in a carrier, and once that’s done, we’ll lay on the floor together and develop your sensorial and motor skills and learn a new word everyday.
  4. You’ll love bath time! I’ll be able to gently bathe and dress you every night, and you’ll giggle along. We’ll then lie together for a while and cuddle while I smell your freshly washed hair. Ahhh baby smell!
  5. Daddy will do all these things with you and obtain the exact same results.

You very likely (I hope!) guessed by now that these wishes have little chances of happening, and even though it is important to dream, let’s be realistic young man; you’ll cry and pout and probably sleep in sporadic schedules. However, no matter what, your parents will be patient even when they’re tired and more importantly, will give you all the love they have, mostly through cuddles.

Just like me, Huggies believes in the power of hugs and is helping Canadian hospitals ensure that other babies like you receive the hugs they need by funding and facilitating hugging programmes in hospitals. Mom is proud to be a No baby Unhugged Mom and I can’t wait to hold you for hours and hours!

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