
Everything you need to know about painkillers!

Tylenol (acetaminophen)  

To calculate the right dosage for Tylenol products:

  • Elixir (160mg/5ml) - cherry flavour
  • Concentrated drops for children up to 35 pounds (80mg/ml) – cherry or white grape flavours
  • Suspension liquid (160mg/5ml) – grape or bubble gum flavours
  • Chewable tablets for children aged 2 to 6 years old (80mg) – watermelon flavour.
Motrin (ibuprofen)

Create a personalized chart for your child for Motrin products.

  • Concentrated drops for babies, lasts 8 hours. For babies aged 4 months to 2 years old (40mg/ml) – fruit flavour and dye-free  formula to avoid stains. Comes with a syringe for an easier intake.
  • Suspension liquid for children aged 2 to 11 years old (100mg/ml) – fruit, bubble gum and orange flavours.
  • Chewable tablets for children aged 2 to 8 years old (50mg) – orange or grape flavours.
  • Chewable tablets for older children aged 6 to 11 years old (100mg) – orange or grape flavours.
We love it!

Suspension liquid for children and concentrated drops for babies are now available dye-free so they won’t stain! The syringe lets you give the medication without losses or spills.

Tempra (acetaminophen)

Dosage chart for Tempra products:

  • Drops- simple concentration for 0 to 3 year olds (80mg/ml) – cherry or banana flavours.
  • Syrup- simple concentration for 2 to 6 year olds (80mg/5ml) – cherry flavour.
  • Syrup- double concentration for 4 to 10 year olds (160mg/5ml) – cherry or banana flavours.
  • Chewable tablets- double concentration for 6 to 12 year olds (160mg/tablet) – grape flavour.
Advil (ibuprofen)

Dosage chart for Advil products:

  • Pediatric drops – 3 months to 3 years old – (200mg/5ml) – grape flavour.
  • Children’s Advil suspensions – 2 to 12 years old (100mg/5ml) – blue raspberry, grape or fruit flavours.
  • Junior Strength Advil Chewable – 2 to 12 years old (100mg/tablet) – fruit flavour.







Drops (baby)

80 mg/ ml

40 mg/ ml

80 mg/ ml

40 mg/ ml

Syrup or Liquid suspension

160 mg/ 5ml

100 mg/ 5ml

80 or 160 mg/ 5ml

100 mg/ 5ml


80 mg/ tablet

50 or 100 mg/ tablet

160 mg/ tablet

100 mg/ tablet


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