
Baby is now crawling and walking : Is your house secure ?

It cannot be said enough: keep an eye on your child, especially when they are very young. But despite all our good faith, kids are surprisingly fast and an accident can happen in the blink of an eye. This is why it is better to secure certain things in our house. To faciliate things for you, we have compiled this list for you!

In general

What can baby get ahold of? Anything that is at their height and in their reach. As soon as baby starts to crawl and walk, they are often attracted to electrical outlets, heaters, certain drawers in the kitchen, but also by all the little forgotten things under the furniture or the stove ... And it is not because they do not yet know how to walk that they are unable to get up, for example, by holding on to a chair or table to help them stay up. It must be ensured that no dangerous object is within reach, and that the power cables of household appliances are impossible to catch. Yes: this is the era when everything is always out of reach, at the center of the tables!

It might be wise to ...

  • Install child-resistant handle covers, especially for doors in rooms where you don't want baby exploring, such as the laundry room where dangerous items are kept or doors to the outside.
  • Attach the cords of curtains and blinds to the wall, so that they are always out of the reach of your child.
  • Store hazardous products (corrosive or toxic household products) in a place where the child does not have access.
  • Make sure that the child cannot open the window (no more than 10 cm), or that the window is out of reach. Mosquito nets do not prevent falls. Thus, the furniture should be placed far from the windows that open.
  • Place animal food somewhere out of reach.
  • Lighters, matches and candles should always be kept in a safe place.
  • Check if your plants are toxic; if they are, place them in a safe place or get rid of them.
  • Secure electrical outlets and remove all power cords after use - babies love to chew them! And don't forget to store the extension cords, and secure the unused power bar sockets.

Houses and some apartments do not have doors between all rooms, or the stairwell is open. If this is your case, a safety barrier could save you a lot of trouble by preventing baby from coming and going wherever they want. By installing barriers, you have peace of mind, and they can then explore safely!

Make sure that the safety barrier complies with the regulations in force. For example, some safety gates manufactured before 1990 have large V-shaped openings in the upper part, or large diamond-shaped openings on the sides, and do not comply. The openings must be small enough so that the child cannot pass their head or body through there.

Also, make sure you choose the right barrier given the child's age and where it will be placed. At the top of a staircase, it should be attached to the wall. At the bottom of the stairs, or in a corridor, a model retained by pressure is enough.

You should also install a protective barrier around the fireplace or heaters.

The kitchen

Did you know that most serious injuries happen in the kitchen and in the bathroom? All the more reason to make sure everything is safe in these rooms.

Kitchen safety tips

  • Make a habit of cooking on the back of the stove and turn the handles of the pots backwards.
  • Children will be drawn to the knobs on your stove. If it is gas, it would be better to remove them.
  • Always make sure that the power cords of small appliances do not hang down.
  • All sharp or pointed objects must be in a locked drawer or fitted with a latch.
  • Always place hot food and drinks away from the corners of the table or counter.
  • Equip the oven and dishwasher door with latches that block the opening.
Living areas

It is recommended to securely fix heavy objects, such as the television, to the wall or furniture. We also make sure to fix the shelves and bookcases to the wall. If you own recliners (the famous Lay-Z-Boy), be careful and keep baby at a distance when you open it and close it.

The bathroom

The bathroom door should be closed so that baby does not venture out when you are not there.

Don't forget!

  • All household and beauty products, as well as medication, should be stored in a tall, secure cabinet.
  • Always store the hair dryer, razors, irons and the like in a cupboard after use.
  • Keep the toilet lid locked with a device so that baby cannot open it.
  • In the bath, you can cover the taps, or even get a device specially designed for this purpose.
Baby's room

Once baby begins to crawl and walk, it is important to lower the crib mattress to it's lowest. Note also that the regulations concerning the baby crib have recently changed, and that baby cots with removable sides will soon be banned from sale.

  • Remove mobiles and other hanging toys when the baby starts to crawl.
  • Plug the night light away from the crib, otherwise baby will be tempted to grab it.
  • All diaper change products should be placed in a safe place.
As well…
  • On the balcony, we make sure that the chairs, table or other furniture on which the baby could climb are far enough from the railings.
  • You can install plastic or gel angles on the edges of low or high baby furniture.

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