Pregnancy tracker

What you are experiencing - 9th mois

It’s probably the month during which you’ll gain the least amount of weight, but nonetheless feel like you’re taking the most space! Even if you think you still have a million things to do until the big day, take the time to rest. The big effort is fast approaching! Load up on energy and get all the sleep you can get, which will certainly come in handy during the first few weeks of your baby’s life.

Baby’s room is ready and you’ll alread visited the place where you’ll give birth. You’ve even calculated, with the father, how long it will take you to get there... Everything is falling into place… All you can do now is wait for your little bundle of joy to show up !

For your body, it’s definitely the “big effort” month! Baby has started to make his way down and your belly is even more prominent and hard to carry. You’re tired, and so is your body.

If your back is killing you, ask your spouse to give you a massage. Add to that a hot bath, and it will probably alleviate the pain. Your breasts are bigger than ever and ready to feed your long-awaited baby. Keep massaging your breasts and nipples to maintain and good hydration before you start breastfeeding.

Because your baby keeps moving further down and is putting pressure on your bladder and bowel, causing frequent urination and slowing down your bowel movements. Drink plenty of water and eat foods that are rich in fiber. It is important to maintain a certain regularity before delivery, otherwise it would only worsen after childbirth because of all the effort you’ll have to do during the contractions. Enjoy the last few days of intimacy with your baby, because these precious moments will never come again. Talk to him and tell him how excited you are to meet him. Tell him how much his family can’t wait to see him and love him. Who knows, with such declarations, he might want to come out sooner! Be patient. He’ll be there in the coming days, and once he is, it’ll be for life...