Pregnancy tracker

What you are experiencing - 2th mois

Your body is now preparing itself to build the comfort and interior decoration of your baby’s  little home. From the outside, everything still seems very quiet, but the changes within you are happening at lightning speed. The end of the second month is conducive to physical changes. Your body is changing slowly and some of you may experience mild discomfort. Every pregnancy is unique, as is the child you’ll give birth to, so don’t be surprised if yours has fewer side effects or is easier or harder than your girlfriend’s or your sister’s.

You could experience nausea, accompanied by vomiting, heaviness in your legs, fatigue and an irresistible desire to sleep. Others will have a newfound energy and be ready to take on more work than usual. Don’t worry about the discomforts, they usually don’t last too long and will slowly fade away by the end of the third month.

Your uterus, that had expanded around the 6th week, is now the size of an orange. The more it grows, the more it will push on your bladder, resulting in frequent need to urinate, especially at night because of your horizontal position. In addition, you may feel a twinge in the groin area, triggered by the growing uterus positioning itself to better welcome baby.

Your waist will be the first physical element to disappear. It will thicken before starting to take the form of a round belly. You will notice that your clothes will become increasingly tight at the waist. Your breasts will grow in size and become increasingly firmer.

If you feel a sudden fatigue, take the time to rest during the day. All these transformations take a lot of energy from your body, now working for two. The changes and hormonal overproduction can also cause you to be hypersensitive, have contradicting emotions and be on edge. Live them fully and let the overflow out; it’s very healthy and you'll feel so much better afterwards! In addition to experiencing important physiological changes, you are preparing yourself psychologically to what’s happening to you and the magnitude of the adventure in which you are involved. Talk about it with the father-to-be, who will surely be happy to listen to you and try to understand what you are experiencing.