
Delivery: is it time to go?

Surprise! Your baby is here and he pushes! Everything is possible.

You must pay attention to the way you feel. If you are feeling an urge to push combined with a full rectum feel and if you are at term, you may be already dilated and the labor may have passed slowly and unnoticed, without contractions. Even if this is rare, everything is possible and just like every pregnancy is unique every labor is unique. Go to the hospital now.

Before you leave, make sure you have:

  • Called your hospital to let them know you are coming.
  • Everything you need, your suitcase and your baby’s. 
  • Brought the papers and cards that are needed for your hospital admission. 
False alerts

Your contractions are irregular. They usually are the first sign announcing the labor. This false labor is there to give you time to get used to the pain and to know what contractions feel like. The best way to know if your contractions are irregular is to write them down and time them.

Loosing the mucus plug. It is not like water breaking even though a lot of people confuse them. However, the rupture can follow in an hour or a day or two.

You can’t wait to see your baby. Stay calm when analyzing your contractions. Remember that your baby is the only one who knows when he will come to this world, even if you know by now that he is coming soon.

In conclusion, future mommy, take some time to live fully and healthily your labor. The decisions you will have to make during labor concern the epidural, episiotomy, emergency C-section and any other matters that require your consent. However, inform your partner of your preferences in case you would not be in a position to tell the medical staff yourself.

Image de Nadine Descheneaux

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