
10 things to bring to the hospital for baby

You’re giving birth soon and you don’t really know what to pack for baby at the hospital? Here are 10 things to remember to bring to ensure optimum comfort and safety for your newborn!

A hat

Most hospitals put standard knit hats on newborns to keep their heads warm but you can also bring a personalized one from home for the stay and for when you leave the hospital.

Diapers and wipes

Hospitals don’t provide diapers in general so you have to remember to bring enough for the duration of your stay, as well as a bag of baby wipes to clean baby properly.

A blanket

A blanket will keep baby warm and allow you to swaddle them to reassure them and to avoid them scratching their face with their nails when they make jerky movements.

A pacifier

If you have decided to offer a pacifier to your baby, we suggest you bring more than one: they’re easy to lose and you’ll have a spare if one gets dirty and you can’t clean it right away.

Comfortable clothes

We suggest you bring a few space outfits in case baby gets dirty accidentally by regurgitating or having an overflowing diaper.

Washcloths or bibs

They come in handy to prevent baby from getting dirty when they regurgitate.


Don't forget to bring several pairs of socks to keep baby's feet warm during your stay at the hospital.

A nice outfit

So they are the most beautiful baby in the world when they leave the hospital to be welcomed home by the family!

A coat

If you give birth in the cold season, don’t forget to bring a coat to keep baby warm when you are released from the hospital.

A newborn car seat

If you want to be able to leave with your baby, don’t forget a car seat – which must be installed safely.

Image de Mariem Melainine

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