
Massage therapy for parents

As the year 2012 is ending, it could be helpful to overlook our year, to summarize and write a list of good intentions for the holidays and the coming year.

Why not start by admitting that all the pain, fatigue and stress will only be a bad memory when you will see a massage therapist who knows everything about the minor injuries in your everyday life?

How many times do we say “my back hurts, I am tired” and nothing is being done to fix it? We take a pill and voila? No, the symptoms temporarily disappear but the cause of the problem remains.

Your professional massage therapist will offer sessions to get rid of muscle tension and improve your sleep. You will stand as a new person!

What a pleasure to feel your body catching up, to stop having stiff shoulders and to know that you will sleep well at last!

This is what therapeutic massage brings you. Massages are both relaxing and focused on your tensions so, no matter what your situation is, there is a solution to pamper you.

  • You have a babysitter? : Have a massage for couples.
  • You don’t? : Check with your massage therapist if you can bring your baby with you. Your child will be glad to be in the same room where his mom is being pampered. At Senzéo, for example, it is frequent.

So, for you and for others (gift card), take a well-deserved break. No need to spend a fortune, from 65 dollars (taxes included) depending on the location, you will find a bubble of pure happiness.

Rachel et Hervé Senzeo
Massage therapists

Rachel and Hervé are massage therapists who graduated from the Kiné-concept Institute of Montreal (KCI) in kinetic Swedish massage. They are specialized in massage for pregnant women, chair massage, members of the F.Q.M, Founders of Senzeo massotherapie where they welcome you in the ideal environment to relax. Senzeo massotherapie 6571, Molson Street, Montreal. Phone: 514-764-4255

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