
Tonsillitis, laryngitis and loss of voice


Laryngitis is a common viral disease that causes inflammation of the vocal cords and of the larynx.


The main symptom of laryngitis is the loss of voice. Your child will initially have a hoarse cough and you will notice that their voice goes out from time to time. They will also probably have trouble breathing and a mild fever.

The loss of voice is caused by a temporary inflammation of the larynx where the vocal cords are. Because they are swollen, they almost touch and no longer vibrate when your child tries to speak, therefore, there is no sound that comes out of their mouths!

Laryngitis usually lasts two to four days and resolves spontaneously but can worsen and you should consult if your child’s breathing difficulties last or if laryngitis lasts more than two weeks (becomes chronic).

If your child also suffers from an earache, you must consult an ENT specialist.


There are two types of laryngitis: acute laryngitis and chronic laryngitis. The first and also the most common is caused by a cold or the flu or can be the consequence of bronchitis or measles.

Children are more vulnerable because the cartilage that protects their larynx is very weak and not resistant enough to fight inflammation.

  • Make sure that your child hydrates their throat as much as possible and make them drink often; warm water, milk or tea is great to soothe the throat.
  • Put a humidifier in their room;
  • Choose soft foods;
  • If the inflammation persists, cortisone may be suggested to reduce swelling of the vocal cords and ease breathing.

The tonsils are lymph nodes located in the back of the throat, on each side of the pharynx. They contribute to fighting infections caused by bacteria and viruses that enter the body through our mouth and nose. However, those tonsils themselves can be inflamed and swollen, this is what we call tonsillitis.

Children aged three to six years old are more vulnerable to tonsillitis because their immune system is not completely developed and they are usually more exposed.

  • A sore throat and sometimes an earache
  • Difficulty to swallow
  • Fever and chills
  • Sensitive and painful glands under the jaw and neck
  • A headache
  • Change in voice
  • A sore throat that lasts more than two days
  • Group A Streptococcus: this common bacteria infects the throat of one person out of five, including adults.
  • Respiratory viruses such as flu and cold cause most tonsillitis.
  • Infectious mononucleosis
  • If the tonsillitis is bacteria-caused, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.
  • Rest, rest and rest! It is strongly recommended to keep your child at home at least 24 hours after the treatment began or if they still have fever;
  • Drink a lot of warm liquid and eat soup;
  • If your child can gargle, make them gargle with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of water) many times a day; Do not let your child swallow salt water;
  • You can also give them ibuprofen or acetaminophen;
  • Consult again if symptoms persist.

Tonsillitis disappears by itself but if the symptoms persist for more than two days with a fever of 39.4 or more or if your child's sore throat is getting worse despite the antibiotics; it is best to go see a doctor again.

The surgical procedure to remove tonsils was common a few decades ago. Today, it is only suggested to children who experience many episodes every year or to children who suffer from tonsillitis that does not respond to antibiotics.

  • Because tonsillitis is caused by other infections, it is important to keep our child as far as possible from potential sources of infection, even if it is easier said than done!
  • Encourage your child to wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet.

Finally, remind them that they should always cough in their elbow.

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