What about other treatments?
Some people use home remedies such as mayonnaise, petroleum jelly, olive oil, vinegar or margarine. Although these products may make it hard for lice to breathe, they probably won’t kill them.
- There is very little evidence that wet combing works (removing lice by combing wet hair with a fine-tooth comb).
- There is no evidence that products such as tea tree oil or aromatherapy work to treat head lice.
- Never use gasoline or kerosene. These products can be extremely dangerous.
Should the house be disinfected if someone has head lice?
Because head lice don’t live long off the scalp, there is no need for extra cleaning. To get rid of lice or nits from items like hats or pillowcases:
- Wash the items in hot water and dry in a hot dryer for 15 min; or
- Store the items in an airtight plastic bag for 2 weeks.
Should children with head lice stay home from school?
Children with head lice should be treated and can attend school or child care as usual.
- ‘No-nit’ policies that keep children with head lice away from school are not necessary because:
- Head lice are common among young children.
- Head lice don’t spread disease.
- Cases of head lice are often misdiagnosed.
- Children can have head lice for several weeks with no symptoms.
If your child has head lice, treat it. Teach your child to avoid head-to-head contact with other children until the lice are gone. Children should not share combs, hairbrushes, caps, hats or hair ornaments.
This article comes from the Canadian Paediatric Society website.