
The return of heat rash

The appearance of heat pimples is directly related to rising temperatures. They are not uncommon, especially at a young age, since baby's delicate skin has not yet fully developed its ability to sweat and regulate its temperature.

How to recognize heat rash

Excessive sweating is a breeding ground for heat sores. No wonder they appear in the folds and hollows of skin. The forehead, neck and chest are usually the most affected areas.

Excessive sweat clogs the skin pores and prevents the removal of salts and toxins. This is when rashes are formed. The size of a pinhead, red or white with a lighter area in the center, their appearance can be fast and impressive. Then, they disappear of themselves when the temperature decreases.

Although their presence does not threaten the health of the child, on the other hand, heat pimples can make their life hard and affect their mood: they itch excessively.


It is impossible to make sure the heat pimples will not come back. However, some simple and effective ways can be put in place to prevent them and reduce the discomfort they cause.

  • The first thing to do is to make sure the child is cool. It is, therefore, necessary to look for the shade and the well-tempered parts. Thus, baby should sweat less, and who says dry skin, says the absence of heat pimples.
  • To maintain an acceptable body temperature, it is advisable to dress the child lightly, with loose clothing and avoid fabrics that promote perspiration (polyester, acrylic). It is better to focus on materials that breathe, such as linen and cotton.
Treating heat pimples

Despite all the strategies used to prevent heat sores, they can still reappear. To help them disappear and relieve the itching they cause, here are some tips:

  • In family pharmacies, one should at least find one of these products: Aloe Vera, Calamine gel and zinc oxide. They are extremely effective against itching.
  • On the affected areas, for about ten minutes, you can apply compresses of cold water. They will help to calm the irritation. However, care must be taken to dry the treated parts well as it is remembered that the heat buttons like moisture.
  • Adding two teaspoons of baking soda to warm bath water is a fairly effective remedy against itching. If this is not enough, you can apply bicarbonate directly (a little like a talcum powder) to the most irritated areas.
  • In order to avoid aggravating the irritation, creams and scented products are left aside. Even those called "natural".

Sources : Institut nationale de santé publiqueMedisiteJean Coutu,

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