
Gift exchanges

A gift exchange could be the perfect solution to stretch your budget! Ask around and you’ll discover countless helpful ideas for a Merry and affordable Christmas.

To exchange or not to exchange this Christmas?

Some may decide to offer a present to each and everyone while a gift exchange may sound appealing to others. Whether a group of friends is gathering or simply because the family is growing, gift exchanges can be a fun and inexpensive way to make everyone happy. Even if the focus is on the children, the grown-ups of your family will still get the enjoyment of having a surprise.

Once you’ve decided a gift exchange will take place, here is a ready-made roadmap to avoid kicking-off the New Year in the red (no reference to the new fashionable color or to Santa’s suit).

The list

Do you get a headache just thinking about THE gift for grandma Roseline, who has everything under the sun, or your selective (“difficult” might be a better description) sister-in-law Rachel? A list of gift ideas is a must.

At a time where we seem to run in all directions, there really is no need to add to the chaos that goes along with the Holidays. Unsure about what to give? Dreading the reaction to a surprise that is not on their wish list? It might be safer to let a suggestion list guide you if you want to find the right present for that special person.

List etiquette
  • A list of three or four items on a piece of paper will make it easier to find the perfect gift for the person who draws your name.
  • Should the list be followed to a tee? Depending on whom the gift is intended for, it might be preferable (e.g. your sister-in-law Rachel asked for the gloss # 26 of the HoHoHo collection? You should probably get her the exact item in order to avoid a polite yet awkward “Thank you!”).
  • Sticking to the fixed amount? To avoid an uncomfortable situation, everyone should agree on and respect a fixed amount for each gift. If the item costs less, why not complement with a little something special to add an element of surprise (keeping in mind the wants & needs of the recipient). Even a little bag of chocolates can add some sweetness to your little gift!

Top gifts: to everyone’s delight!

  • Gift cards: movie theatre, shopping, book or music store, SAQ, spa, etc.:
  • Books and CDs;
  • Jewellery, scarves and accessories;
  • Edible treats;
  • A subscription to a favourite magazine;
  • Imported beers, port or ice cider;
  • “i” accessories (e.g.: for an iPod, iPad, iPhone) or for gaming consoles (e.g.: Wii, PS3, etc.);
  • Hockey tickets or passes to a comedy show (budget allowing);
  • Outing to a restaurant.

Christmas shopping “don’ts”:

  • Candles and bath products (unless the theme of the gift exchange is: “got it, don’t want it”);
  • Tie, socks and underwear;
  • Pots-pourris, incense and the like;
  • Something overly practical, like a car snowbrush or a blender.
Gifts from the heart

This Christmas, would you like to break from the pack by giving a gift from the heart? Here are a few ideas for tight budgets, or for those who want to charm on a shoestring:

  • Snowstorm of qualities: simply gather loved ones around and take turns showering compliments and admiration towards each other… Warning: your self-esteem will increase dramatically;
  • Help Chest: write favors on small pieces of cardboard, place them in a box then present it to someone deserving (e.g.: your friend who recently gave birth to a baby, or an aunt who’s going through a tough time);
  • Lights, Camera... Action!!!: Get the entire family together to film its virtual “Best Wishes” to loved ones that won’t be home for Christmas. This beautiful video will certainly warm the hearts of the addressees;
  • Cooking and babysitting coupons: a perfect recipe;
  • Do groceries for your sister at a time when she is super-busy;
  • The gift of words: write an original and personalized poem;
  • Present someone with a delicious basket of homemade goods (e.g.: jam, lemon cake, soup, etc.);
  • Give at work: instead of exchanging gifts at the office, why not offer presents to sick children or families in need (e.g.: Children Hospitals, Food Drive…).
Go Green
  • Does an environmentally friendly gift exchange sound good? Celebrating the Holidays without falling into the trap of overspending is possible. All that’s required is a little imagination or a search of the house in quest of “something special”. This could become the find of the century! Besides, it will give you an excuse to organize the closets you meant to tidy-up a decade ago.
  • “Pre-owned” gift exchange: be on the lookout for an object in good condition, likely to please most participants. Proceed with the draw but gifts are unwrapped only at the end. Who knows, you might be lucky and get the “à la Castafiore” bracelet of Aunt Helene or your mother-in-law’s vintage serving trays!
  • An image is worth a thousand words: offer a collage of pictures to express your love or friendship;
  • Let your creativity lead the way by decorating a picture frame, or creating a Christmas decoration with recycled objects;
  • Make a donation to a charitable organization in the recipient’s name.
  • Don’t forget to go wild on the wrapping! Make your present appealing by giving it a glamorous, green or funny look (whatever fits).

The gift exchange, an excellent pretext to spending wonderful moments with the ones we love!

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