
5 fabulous birthday invitations


Do you like confetti poppers? You can modify them and make them throw an invitation to your guests where you will write down your phone number and the place, date and time when the birthday will take place. You can ever wrap the popper in nice colors. It is a great way to put everyone in the mood!

Inflatable invitation

It’s easy as can be! Write your information with a felt pen on a balloon that you will attach to a card. Your guests will inflate your invitation at home!

Retouched photos

This is another simple idea. Take a nice photo of your little princess or of your young pirate and retouch the photo that will become the cover of your invitation. That way, other parents will recognize your child among all the friends of the class.

Cootie catcher

From a template that you will use in Photoshop or PowerPoint, or with good old pens, customize a cootie catcher and write down questions and answers that will give all the information to your guests. With 8 questions, you can even add a few jokes!

The hands

Using coloured paper, get inspired by Thereza Rowe, graphic designer, and draw your child’s hands and cut your drawing. His hand shapes will allow him to make beautiful invitation cards where he can also glue the letters of his name and write everything that his guests need to know.

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