
Choosing your child’s name

What will it be? I don’t want her to have the same name as everyone else. I want her to have an original and classy name. Anna! Anna Graham? No, maybe not…

I want to find an original and beautiful name but I also want it to be timeless. My boy will have a romantic and muscled name and my daughter will have a name worthy of the modern princess she will be. That’s easy to say! How can I choose a name that a child will carry throughout his life? A name he will have in school that does not lend way to silly jokes, a name that will be said by the first person that will tell him “I love you” the name used by his children, his boss, his friends.

It is important to think for your child and it is not an easy task, especially since you don’t know him yet. You can always wait until you see his or her lovely face before you decide but that is a big gamble and it is still safer to think about it in advance. Here are some fun ways to look for the name of that little citizen in the making.

Calendar of Saints

No, we will not discuss religions but I want to start with this one because this is how my mother found my name. She called me Anne because my due date was on July 26, and even though I was really late for the first time (but certainly not the last), the name stuck. And I love my name.

Obviously, you can cheat if your expected due date falls on Macanisius but this calendar is a rich and classical source of inspiration and provides names for all tastes.

Movie stars real names

If you are looking for original names, take a look at Hollywood. If you want to see the real name of Sophia Loren or see what names were not glamorous enough for them to keep, take a look at this list.

You should still be careful and imagine a name that will still be easy to say and suitable for an adult who may become an accountant, not necessarily an actor. 


Alyssa, Blossom or Dahlia? Nature is not only about enchanting landscapes and good smells; it also provides a great list of sweet and original baby names.

It can also be nice for a child to run across his name on field trips and while reading books. You can eventually tell Daisy, Ambrosia or Lily what their name means. Find out here.

Your heroes

Will you dare name your child after the heroine of your favorite novel? Does your favorite historical figure have an interesting name? If a name has been titillating you for many years and if you keep telling everyone: “I would’ve loved to be named Cassandra!” maybe this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Name your daughter Cassandra and you will hear it a lot and for a long time…

The family

Nina, Jade, Edmond, Samuel, Thomas, Anthony… Your cousins, your uncles, your aunts and your ancestors have carried beautiful names. Take a look at your family tree, you could find some nice surprises.

Take this occasion to see the long line that has allowed this child to exist and to be who he will be, with his genetic background and his stories to tell. When we know where we’re from, it is easier to see where we are going.

And if the final decision is too difficult to make, play head or tails or let grandpa and grandma take a look at your favourites. They may tell you funny stories about uncle Thomas.     

Image de Anne Costisella

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