
Comfort, play, teach: 10 tips to comfort your toddler

The best way to comfort a toddler is to make them forget about their growing tooth or their little accident… Here are 10 ways to make them forget all their problems!

Make horse sounds

For whatever reason, what toddlers like best about horses is the sound they make. Try jumping gently across the house and make the sounds. You’ll see, they will make them with you!

Blowing bubbles

Cute and colorful bubbles have always fascinated children. The bubbles flying away will amaze them and snapping bubbles will have them burst out laughing!

Listen to soothing music…

Music has the charm to soothe a savage beast. It also soothes children. Choose quiet songs and rock them. They will feel comforted and loved, and that's probably what they need the most. You can also sing... your number one fan is all ears.

… or rock out!

Make them laugh, give them a sense of rhythm and authorize them to make a lot of noise; your children will be delighted to mess up the cupboards and hit pots and pans with all their might to forget (and exteriorize) their frustration!

Eat fruits

If you must eat your emotions, you might as well fill up in vitamins and energy. Prepare orange slices, raspberries, bananas and watermelon slices and cut grapes. Children are happier with a full belly. If they are teething, these fruits will also refresh their sore gums.

Take a walk

Getting some fresh air is always good and watching the scenery occupies your thoughts. Talk about the trees and the birds. Who knows? You may even find something to do on the way…


It is a known fact that your dryer eats most of your socks, and you have been expecting one to show up for over a year. Wait no more and use the other to sew the extra buttons that came with that shirt you threw away over a year ago. You don’t have an old sock anymore you have a puppet! You could also draw eyes on your hand if it really is an emergency or buy Oobie eyes for future teething.

Make faces in the mirror

One of my favorite aunts used to take her dentures out when I was a kid. It really was the funniest thing ever, and I was expecting the famous dentures' scene every time I saw her. Of course, you have no dentures so you can’t touch your nose with your tongue… or… can you?

Go for a ride

Driving your car is the classic trick to comfort a tired child. It works every time. Combine with soothing music and don’t drive too fast. A wild ride never comforted anybody.

Watch a colorful show

A Disney movie, Four square, Pocoyo or the Muppet show could help them feel much better. Make a bed in front of the TV to give your plan a festive look…

Image de Anne Costisella

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