
10 myths about baby carriers

Baby will spoiled

Many parents think that carrying baby all the time will make him grow up to be spoiled and ungrateful, but that is actually not true! In an interview on TVA, it was revealed that Canadian parents have very little physical contact with their children. Yet carrying a baby fills all their basic needs by providing a reassuring presence and by allowing us to be more aware to their needs so we can respond quicker.

He will be dependant

One might think wrongly that a baby who has been carried will be glued to your hips forever but it’s actually been proven that carrying your baby encourages the development of his sense of security and attachment which will then make him more confident when comes the time for him to explore the outside world.

He won’t have any friends

On the contrary, because all his basic needs have been met and your child will be more confident and independent, he will be perfectly able to develop healthy relationships with his peers.

Baby carriers are dangerous

Some people actually think that carrying a baby is not comfortable and even dangerous. However, if you choose a good baby carrier or sling that keeps baby in a comfortable and ergonomic position, carrying baby is not dangerous at all! On top of the fact that he will be with you at all times so you can assess if something is wrong faster.

Back pain

We often hear parents claiming they can’t carry their baby because their back is too fragile or carrying actually gives them back pain. If that is the case, then you need to change your baby carrier or find out if you may not be installing it properly, because when the baby’s weight is properly distributed, you should not be feeling any back pain. If that is your problem, there are classes you can take that can show you how to fix the problem or even You Tube videos that show the proper techniques.

You won’t be able to do anything

On the contrary, since your hands are now free and your baby well supported, you can do whatever you desire or that’s part of your routine: read a book, take a walk, do the dishes, vacuum and go about your daily routine unencumbered.

He will never learn to walk

Carrying baby does not mean he has to be in the carrier all day. Just like a baby who will take a nap in his crib or be taken for a walk in the stroller, when your baby is awake and wants to be stimulated, take advantage of it by developing his small muscles so he can eventually learn to walk.

It’s only for moms

Think again! We see more and more trendy dads carrying baby on their back downtown or in the neighbourhoods. And, why not? Dads need to develop a good bond with baby as well!

It’s only for newborns

As it’s been shown that carrying baby has many benefits there is no reason to limit the experience to only the newborn stage. Carry your child for as long as you want and can. They might even tell you when they’re ready to abandon the baby carrier.

The look

Some parents express that they are put off by the “grano” look of a baby carrier. Not so fast! There are many types of baby carriers, slings that can be tied in different ways and an array of neutral and colourful colors to choose from so you can coordinate with your personal style!

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