- The bathroom temperature should be kept between 20°C and 24°C. Avoid drafts.
- The ideal water temperature is between 35°C and 38 °C. A bath thermometer is necessary to know the exact temperature of your baby’s bath, at least for the first baths and until you get used to put in the right amount of hot water.
- Start the bath with cold water before adding hot water and turn off the hot water first to avoid the threat of burns. Before plunging baby, use your elbow or your palm to make sure the temperature in comfortable, neither too hot nor too cold. Never plunge the baby in a bath that is still running. The temperature could change abruptly or the water lever could get too high.
- Prepare all necessary equipment before running the bath so that once your baby is in the water, everything will be close at hand. (Hairdryer, pyjamas or clothes, clean diapers, etc.)
- A mild and fragrance-free baby soap is ideal for washing your baby. Superfatted soaps are usually well tolerated but you should still keep an eye on any signs of allergies. Oil and bubble baths can cause urinary tract infections.
- A baby bath seat is recommended because it allows parents to free their hands and play with their baby. Most seats are designed to provide the baby a perfect position with his head outside of the water. That way, your baby can dabble freely in the water. While sitting tight in his seat, your baby cannot slip out of your hands so he can play and appreciate his bath earlier.
- Regularly change his bathrobe or his towel to prevent germs.
- Babies love playing in water. Don’t forget to wash the bath toys often and to empty the ones that contain water.
During his bath, your baby must have your undivided attention. Do not get distracted; you are not available for anyone other than your baby. Too many accidents occur while the parents look away to catch a toy or answer the phone. It only takes one moment for an accident to happen. Never leave your child alone in the water, even for an instant. A child can drown in very little water and very little time! All children are curious and start exploring the world, oblivious to danger. Adults are responsible of taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents.
- Fill the bathtub with only 5 to 6 cm of water for newborns and babies up to 6 months, and never more than waist height for older children. .
- Little dirty bums must be washed first to avoid soiling the water.
- Regularly wash washcloths to avoid spreading germs.
- Gently hand wash your baby with soap while explaining what you are doing to reassure him. To rinse him, wet him gradually so he gets used to the water.
- For his own safety, teach your older baby to sit in the bath at all times.
- Ideally, for the first month, it is better to give baths that do not exceed five minutes. If it takes any longer, your child could get cold.
- When leaving the bath, dry your baby to keep him warm. This step often carried out quickly and the residual humidity in the little folds could irritate your baby’s skin.
Obviously, bath time depends on your availability and can vary depending on the day. While some prefer to bathe their baby during the day, just before his nap, for many babies, the evening bath has something magical about it, especially when accompanied by relaxing oils (without alcohol). Your baby with be delighted! This is a relaxing moment for you both. And before putting him in pyjamas, why not give baby a little massage?