Mourning the perfect delivery
Although you knew that childbirth could be full of unexpected events, you might not have planned to rethink about it with so much regret, guilt or the feeling of failure.
Although you knew that childbirth could be full of unexpected events, you might not have planned to rethink about it with so much regret, guilt or the feeling of failure.
We've all experienced this gap between who we are and who we want to be. Is it possible to reconcile the two and still value every aspect? Of course!
How is your maternity leave? Are you happy to have time with your baby or is it a period of questioning?
Have you been mourning your belly after your pregnancy? Your child fills you with love and happiness, but you miss all the attention and feeling your baby move inside you?
He is the love of your life and knows everything about you but watching you as you give birth will be a whole new story. Are you afraid of how he will see you afterwards?
“You’ll see, time will fly! Taking care of a baby is a full-time job!”, they said. But with a calm baby like mine, you will have plenty of time!
An estimated one in five women (20%) and one in ten men (10%) will suffer from depression in their lifetime. Let's see what's going on.