Summer pregnancy
Being pregnant can be both wonderful and stressful all year round but pregnant women should be more careful in the summer.
Being pregnant can be both wonderful and stressful all year round but pregnant women should be more careful in the summer.
Exercising is good for your body and soul, at all times. It is even more important if you are pregnant and want to be in tip-top shape during your pregnancy.
Most pregnant women have concerns about their pregnancy weight gain. Am I gaining too much? Am I gaining enough? Will I be able to lose it all?
Swelling during pregnancy is normal and should be expected! It may cause discomofort but it should not be worrisome.
Ten percent of women have to live with anemia. When these same women become pregnant, the figures climb even more since the development of a baby draws from their reserves.
Folic acid is the best prevention against neural tube defects that affect 2 to 4 babies out of 1000. Here’s everything you should know.
One in twenty pregnant women will develop diabetes in pregnancy or gestational diabetes (GDM).
During your first prenatal appointment, your doctor will probably talk about dietary supplements or iron tablets because it is important.
Future moms wonder if they can eat sushi, drink their morning coffee or change their cat’s litter box. Here is a useful guide to help them.
Your doctor just diagnosed you with preeclampsia, and you are worried? Here is everything you need to know about preeclampsia and Eclampsia.
Physical activity should be part of a daily routine for every women struggling with diabetes, whether pregnant or not. Here’s why.
Pregnant women ask themselves many questions during their pregnancy. Can I continue to do abdominal exercises during pregnancy? If not, are there other exercises that I should be doing?